Title | IC 3576: an Unusual Spiral Galaxy in Virgo |
Authors | Margon, Bruce; Spinrad, Hyron; Heiles, Carl; Tovmassian, Hrant; Harlan, Eugene; Bowyer, Stuart; Lampton, Michael |
Bibcode | 1972ApJ...178L..77M Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We have detected a weak, soft X-ray source in Virgo. If the positional information from our experiment is combined with that for the Uhur source 2U 1231+7, the resulting error box of size 0.4 square degrees is centered on IC 3576, an unusual spiral galaxy. Several direct photographs of this galaxy have been obtained. We have observed neutral hydrogen emission at 21 cm from IC 3576, and have obtained upper limits on emission at 5, lA, and 0.43 GHx. The galaxy has an extraordinarily large ratio of H I to optical luminosity. Regardiess of the identification of the X-ray source, the optical and radio data are difficult to reconcile. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |