Title | The globular cluster system surrounding the EO galaxy 3379 = M 105. |
Authors | Pritchet, C. J.; van den Bergh, S. |
Bibcode | 1985AJ.....90.2027P Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The central area of the elliptical galaxy NGC 3379 has been observed for a total of five hours using a CCD detector at the prime focus of the Canada-France-Hawaii 3.6-m telescope. A distinct concentration of star-like images with a radial surface density gradient similar to that of the starlight in NGC 3379 is seen to surround this galaxy. The total globular cluster population of NGC 3379 is found to be 140±35. The peak of the NGC 3379 cluster luminosity function occurs at B(max) = 23.0±0.3, implying a distance of 6.8±0.8 Mpc if the luminosity function of NGC 3379 globulars is similar to that of Local Group globular clusters. Comparison of globular cluster systems surrounding M87, NGC 3379, and Local Group galaxies is marginally consistent with the hypothesis that the peak luminosity of globular cluster luminosity functions is a standard candle. In an Appendix, the authors report on an unsuccessful search for novae in NGC 3379. |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |