Title | Hubble's constant determined using very-long baseline interferometry of a supernova |
Authors | Bartel, N.; Rogers, A. E. E.; Shapiro, I. I.; Gorenstein, M. V.; Gwinn, C. R.; Marcaide, J. M.; Weiler, K. W. |
Bibcode | 1985Natur.318...25B Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Determination of the angular expansion velocity of the radiosphere of the supernova SN1979c in the galaxy Ml00 in the Virgo cluster, combined with determination of the radial expansion velocity of the photosphere, yields an estimate of the distance to the Virgo cluster centre of Dvirgo = 19+8-6 Mpc and of the Hubble constant of H0=65+35-25 km s-1 Mpc-1, where the uncertainties given are based on conservative, but reasonable estimates of all significant errors and are intended to represent 90% confidence intervals. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |