Title | Subluminous, Radio Emitting Type I Supernovae |
Authors | Panagia, N.; Sramek, R. A.; Weiler, K. W. |
Bibcode | 1986ApJ...300L..55P Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The supernova SN 19841 in NGC 991 has been established as a subluminous Type I supernova similar to SN 1983n. Evidence that these two supernovae strongly resemble one another and represent a distinguishable subclass of Type I supernovae is strengthened by the detection of radio emission from this new object, a phenomenon previously observed only for Type II supernovae and for SN 1983n. Comparison of the radio properties of SN 19841 with those found earlier for SN 1983n shows that the spectral indices, initial thermal absorption, and luminosities can be considered to be identical, albeit to within relatively large errors. |
Objects | 4 Objects Search NED ↙ |