Title | The Distribution of Galaxies Around NGC 5846 |
Authors | Haynes, M. P.; Giovanelli, R. |
Bibcode | 1991AJ....102..841H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The three-dimensional distribution of galaxies in a region surrounding the chain of galaxies in the NGC 5846 group has been investigated by both subjective and objective tests for clustering. The compilation of a complete redshift sample over the area of study allows the identification of distinct galaxy aggregates and estimation of group properties. Much of the nearby structure, including the NGC 5846 group, is connected into a single prolate cloud of galaxies that points toward the Virgo cluster. Also evident is a tenuous filament of galaxies at a velocity of ~7000 km s^-1^ that appears to connect at right angles with an elongated cloud that is identified as the Zw 1400+0949 cluster seen in projection. The subconcentration around NGC 5846 is itself a tight, compact configuration, unlike other density enhancements like the Virgo III or Ursa Major Clouds. A comparison of the NGC 5846 group with similar structures in the Local Supercluster confirms the qualitative impression that the highest density environments are dominated by early type systems. |
Objects | 101 Objects Search NED ↙ |