Title | Neutral Hydrogen Observations of Galaxies in Superclusters |
Authors | Haynes, M. P.; Giovanelli, R. |
Bibcode | 1991ApJS...77..331H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | As part of a continuing study of the three-dimensional distribution of galaxies in the nearby extragalactic sky, neutral hydrogen observations of spiral galaxies in the Uppsala General Catalog were made with the late 91 m telescope in Green Bank. In this paper, results of the H I observations are presented for 309 objects north of declination +38^deg^ in the right ascension range 10^h^ < R.A. < 22^h^ and for a sample of 46 objects just south of the equator in the region around 0^h^ < R.A. < 3^h^ Many of these objects are outlying members of superclusters and may be useful in the study of deviations from Hubble flow on supercluster scales. Velocity widths as measured by five different algorithms are presented along with a profile quality index to aid in applications of the Tully-Fisher relation using this data set. |
Objects | 307 Objects Search NED ↙ |