Title | High-resolution radio observations of the CfA Seyfert Sample -I. The observations |
Authors | Kukula, Marek J.; Pedlar, Alan; Baum, Stefi A.; O'Dea, Christopher P. |
Bibcode | 1995MNRAS.276.1262K Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We present high-resolution VLA maps of the CfA Seyfert galaxies of Huchra & Burg. Because this sample is relatively free from biases and selection effects it is particularly well suited for comparisons of the radio properties of type 1 and 2 Seyferts. However, previous radio observations of the sample have lacked sufficient angular resolution to give useful structural information. The 0.25-arcsec resolution of A-configuration at 8.4 GHz has enabled us to determine the radio morphology of the sample on subarcsecond scales for the first time, and complementary observations in C-configuration have allowed measurements of the total radio luminosity of the active nucleus, free from contamination by disc emission. The sources used for phase calibration of the data were carefully selected so that the positional information in our maps is accurate to within 50 mas. In this paper we describe the data and discuss the advantages and limitations of the present sample. The nature and origin of the radio emission and the statistical properties of the Seyfert type 1 and 2 galaxies in the sample will be discussed in two subsequent papers. |
Objects | 47 Objects Search NED ↙ |