Title | The Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 1999by: Spectroscopy at Early Epochs |
Authors | Vinkó, J.; Kiss, L. L.; Csák, B.; Fűrész, G.; Szabó, R.; Thomson, J. R.; Mochnacki, S. W. |
Bibcode | 2001AJ....121.3127V Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We present medium-resolution (λ/∆λ~2500) optical spectroscopy of SN 1999by in NGC 2841 made around its light maximum. That the depth ratio of the two Si II features at 5800 and 6150 Å are R(Si II)~0.63 at maximum indicates that this SN belongs to the peculiar subluminous Type SNe Ia. Radial velocities inferred from the minimum of the 6150 Å trough reveal a steeper decline of the velocity curve than expected for normal SNe Ia, consistent with the behavior of published VRI light curves. A revised absolute magnitude of SN 1999by and distance to its host galaxy NGC 2841 are estimated based on the multicolor light-curve shape (MLCS) method, resulting in MV(max)=-18.06+/-0.1 mag and d=17.1+/-1.2 Mpc, respectively. An approximate linear dependence of the luminosity parameter ∆ on R(Si II) is presented. Based on observations obtained at David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto, Canada. |
Objects | 22 Objects Search NED ↙ |