Title | The distance to the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy from the red giant branch tip |
Authors | Bellazzini, M.; Gennari, N.; Ferraro, F. R.; Sollima, A. |
Bibcode | 2004MNRAS.354..708B Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | We present V and I photometry of a 9.4 × 9.4arcmin2 field centred on the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Leo I. The I magnitude of the tip of the red giant branch (RGB) is robustly estimated from two different data sets (ITRGB= 17.97+0.05-0.03). From this estimate, adopting [M/H]~=-1.2 from the comparison of RGB stars with Galactic templates, we obtain a distance modulus (m-M)0= 22.02 +/- 0.13, corresponding to a distance D= 254+16-19 kpc. |
Objects | 5 Objects Search NED ↙ |