Authors | Taylor, Edward N.; Franx, Marijn; van Dokkum, Pieter G.; Quadri, Ryan F.; Gawiser, Eric; Bell, Eric F.; Barrientos, L. Felipe; Blanc, Guillermo A.; Castander, Francisco J.; Damen, Maaike; Gonzalez-Perez, Violeta; Hall, Patrick B.; Herrera, David; Hildebrandt, Hendrik; Kriek, Mariska; Labbé, Ivo; Lira, Paulina; Maza, José; Rudnick, Gregory; Treister, Ezequiel; Urry, C. Megan; Willis, Jon P.; Wuyts, Stijn |
Abstract | We present a new, K-selected, optical-to-near infrared photometric catalog of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS), making it publicly available to the astronomical community.22Imaging and spectroscopy data and catalogs are freely available through the MUSYC Public Data Release webpage: The data set is founded on publicly available imaging, supplemented by original z'JK imaging data collected as part of the MUltiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC). The final photometric catalog consists of photometry derived from UU 38 BVRIz'JK imaging covering the full 1/2 × 1/2 square degrees of the ECDFS, plus H-band photometry for approximately 80% of the field. The 5σ flux limit for point sources is K^{(AB)}_{tot} = 22.0. This is also the nominal completeness and reliability limit of the catalog: the empirical completeness for 21.75 < K < 22.00 is gsim85%. We have verified the quality of the catalog through both internal consistency checks, and comparisons to other existing and publicly available catalogs. As well as the photometric catalog, we also present catalogs of photometric redshifts and rest-frame photometry derived from the 10-band photometry. We have collected robust spectroscopic redshift determinations from published sources for 1966 galaxies in the catalog. Based on these sources, we have achieved a (1σ) photometric redshift accuracy of ∆z/(1 + z) = 0.036, with an outlier fraction of 7.8%. Most of these outliers are X-ray sources. Finally, we describe and release a utility for interpolating rest-frame photometry from observed spectral energy distributions, dubbed InterRest.23InterRest is available via Documentation and a complete walkthrough can be found at the same address. |