Galaxy Morphology: | compact |
Description: | compact |
Associated Classifications: | 43 associated classes
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BCD; compact?; compact + arc; compact + compact; compact E; compact E?; compact E0; compact E0?; compact E0 pec?; compact E2; compact E2+; compact E pec?; compact group; compact group of compacts; compact IBm; compact Im?; compact Irr pec; compact Irr pec?; compact with extended material; compact? with extended material; dwarf + pair of compacts; E + pair of compacts; group of compacts; Irr + compact; N galaxy / compact; pair of compacts; quadruple of compacts; S0 + compact; S0 + compact?; S0 / compact; S0 + compact E; S0? / compact with halo; S0 + triple of compacts; Sa + Sc + compact; SB0(r) + pair of compacts; SBc + compact; Sc + compact; Sc + compact?; Sc + compact E; S(r)c + compact; S with extended material + compact; triple of compacts; triple? of compacts |
Exact Classifications Count: | 3070 |
Associated Data Count: | 3470 entries for 3312 objects (retrieve objects) |
Associated Reference Codes: | 1961CGCG1.C...0000Z 1963CGCG2.C...0000Z 1964RC1...C...0000d 1965CGCG5.C...0000Z 1966CGCG3.C...0000Z 1968CGCG4.C...0000Z 1968CGCG6.C...0000Z 1973UGC...C...0000N 1975AJ.....80..545Z 1981ApJ...247..823T 1982ESOU..C...0000L 1987AMCAT.C...0000A 1991RC3.9.C...0000d 1995MNRAS.274.1107N 2002MNRAS.333..423T 2003ApJS..147...29G 2005A&A...434..887H 2005ApJS..156..345G |