Title | 21-cm line study of the peculiar galaxy NGC 5253. |
Authors | Bottinelli, L.; Gouguenheim, L.; Heidmann, J. |
Bibcode | 1972A&A....17..445B Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The peculiar galaxy NGC 5253 has been observed in the 21-cm line with the radio telesc e. The properties of its H I gas content are characteristic of an early-type galaxy, most probably lenticular. This type is consistent with the large-scale stellar distribution. Thus, NGC 5253 does not appear as a self- contradictory galaxy regarding its morphological type; however, it is peculiar because of its unusual nucleus with the intense emission complex studied by Welch. Key words: galaxies - radio radiation - 21-cm radiation - interstellar matter |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |