Title | Neutral-hydrogen aperture-synthesis maps of IC 2574 and NGC 7640. |
Authors | Seielstad, G. A.; Wright, M. C. H. |
Bibcode | 1973ApJ...184..343S Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Aperture synthesis observations with an angular resolution 2' of two late-type galaxies have revealed H I distributions some 1.5 times larger than their photographic images. IC 2574, classified as an irregular galaxy, has a well-organized velocity field typical of a late spiral galaxy. The major H I concentrations do not correspond to the brightest optical features. A ridge of peculiar velocities of 10 km s - 1 in the region of the optical "bar" may indicate streaming motions of gas along the bar. NGC 7640 is an SBc galaxy at an inclination greater than 77 . There is no evidence of any H I halo brighter than 100 K km , although there is a suggestion of warping of the plane of the H ilayer. Subject headings: galaxies - 21-cm radiation |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |