Title | Distances to extragalactic supernovae. |
Authors | Kirshner, R. P.; Kwan, J. |
Bibcode | 1974ApJ...193...27K Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | An independent method for determining extragalactic distances from observations of supernovae is outlined. The distance to a supernova is estimated by linking the expansion of the photosphere, as given by temperature and apparent magnitude, to the expansion velocities in lines through Baade's method for variable stars. The temperatures for the supernovae 1969l and 1970g are derived directly from spectrophotometric scans or indirectly from broad-band photometry, while the velocities are inferred from observed line profiles. Distances of about 12 Mpc to NGC 1058 and about 6 Mpc to M101 are calculated. |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |