Title | Extensive neutral hydrogen around the peculiar spiral galaxy NGC 2146. |
Authors | Fisher, J. R.; Tully, R. B. |
Bibcode | 1976A&A....53..397F Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Neutral hydrogen has been discovered in a cloud about NGC 2146 extending out to six Holmberg radii. It is elongated in approximate coincidence with the major axis of the optical galaxy, and motions are in the sense of corotation although velocities are somewhat below a Keplerian extrapolation of the observed optical velocities. NGC 2146 is a very disturbed galaxy visually and, for a spiral, a strong continuum radio source. No satisfactory model for the disruption of NGC 2146 was found. It is argued that the adjacent galaxy NGC 2146 A is in the background. |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |