Title | An aperture synthesis study of the irregular galaxy Holmberg II. |
Authors | Cottrell, G. A. |
Bibcode | 1976MNRAS.177..463C Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The Cambridge Half-Mile telescope has been used to map the H I distribution and velocity field of Ho II with an angular resolution of z' x z' I and a velocity resolution i6 km 1 The H I disc is z5-5o per cent larger than the Holmberg dimensions and the H I surface density is strongly peaked at the centre. The rotational velocity field is regular out to a radius 7 kpc and the total mass is (4 j I) x I0 M0. The internal dynamics of two bright central condensations imply that these are gravitationally bound, consistent with the fact that they are near sites of star formation. The hydrogen structure of Ho II is similar to that of the irregular galaxy IC 10. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |