Title | The H I content of the elliptical galaxy NGC 4278. |
Authors | Bottinelli, L.; Gouguenheim, L. |
Bibcode | 1977A&A....54..641B Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Summary.The elliptical galaxy NGC 4278 has been measured in the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen with the radiotelescope. Its neutral hydrogen mass is equal to 1.7 x lO8solar masses,whi- ch leads to an HI mass to luminosity ratio of 0.04 and an HI mass to total mass ratio equal to 0.14 x 10-2. The 21-cm line has a rather large width of about 510 km , comparable to the velocity dispersion found by Osterbrock from the ionized gas in the nucleus of the galaxy. Key words : elliptical galaxies-neutral hydrogen- interstellar matter-21-cm line radiation |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |