Title | H I observations of 40 S0 and elliptical galaxies. |
Authors | Knapp, G. R.; Gallagher, J. S.; Faber, S. M.; Balick, B. |
Bibcode | 1977AJ.....82..106K Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | A sensitive search for H I emission from 40 early-type galaxies, including four ellipticals and 20 S0s, was made. Seven of the galaxies were positively detected, and three marginally. The presence of H I shows no dependence on apparent magnitude, color, or luminosity. Within a given morphological class, the H I content varies widely. Most of the S0s were not detected, but for those which were (and the detected Sas) the values of the ratio of H I magnitude to photographic luminosity are higher than mean values for later-type galaxies. |
Objects | 41 Objects Search NED ↙ |