Title | Neutral hydrogen in the Cartwheel. |
Authors | Mebold, U.; Goss, W. M.; Fosbury, R. A. E. |
Bibcode | 1977MNRAS.180P..11M Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Summary. A measurement has been made of the 21-cm line from the ring galaxy A0035 at a heliocentric velocity of 8934 km/s. The neutral hydrogen mass M(H I) = (52 j 5) x 109M0., the indicative mass M = (490 +-90) x 109M0. and the absolute luminosity LB = (43 * 20) x 10 L0. suggest that the precursor galaxy was a massive, late-type spiral. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |