Title | H I in the elliptical galaxy NGC 1052. |
Authors | Reif, K.; Mebold, U.; Goss, W. M. |
Bibcode | 1978A&A....67L...1R Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The E4 galaxy NGC 1052 has been mapped in the H I 21-cm emission line using the 100-m telescope. The H I associated with this galaxy is no more than about 4 arcmin in size. A systematic change in radial velocity is measured which suggests that the H I is a rotating system. The total amplitude of the observed rotation is about 100 km/s with an orientation of the dynamical major axis which is 54 (+ or - 10) deg from the major axis of the light distribution. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |