Title | The velocity field of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 5383. |
Authors | Peterson, C. J.; Rubin, V. C.; Ford, W. K., Jr.; Thonnard, N. |
Bibcode | 1978ApJ...219...31P Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The considered galaxy NGC 5383 is one of the few bright barred spiral galaxies in the northern sky. Pease (1917) has noted the existence of a faint, very low-surface-brightness companion spiral 3'.1 to the south. It is shown that the companion galaxy has a velocity close to that of NGC 5383. The two form, therefore, probably an interacting pair. A description is given of optical spectra at high spatial and high-velocity resolution which have been obtained with the aid of a two-stage Carnegie image-tube spectrograph. Radio observations of NGC 5383 at 21 cm with a 91.4-m transit radio telescope are also considered. It is found that the emission-line velocity field of NGC 5383 does not resemble that expected for a pattern of circular motions only. The velocities in the bar and the spiral arm region can be most closely reproduced by a simple rotation in a disk which is substantially warped. |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |