Title | A survey of H I in Seyfert galaxies. |
Authors | Heckman, T. M.; Balick, B.; Sullivan, W. T., III |
Bibcode | 1978ApJ...224..745H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Radio observations of H I in the disks of some 58 Seyfert or Seyfertlike galaxies with recession velocities less than about 10,000 km/s are reported. H I emission was detected in 25 of the galaxies, while H I absorption lines were observed in three. Integrated H I characteristics of the 25 detections are examined, and crude H I maps are presented for four relatively large galaxies. It is found that there may be a relation between abnormal H I mass/photographic luminosity ratios and an extranuclear UV excess in Seyfert galaxies, that Seyferts with unusual H I properties tend to be morphologically peculiar, and that there is a strong tendency for those galaxies with the most luminous nuclei to have unusual H I properties. The results suggest that the presence of a large central mass concentration plus some disk component favors the production of a Seyfert nucleus, that a gaseous disk aids in the production of such a nucleus, and that outbursts of nuclear activity may play a central role in recycling gas in early-type galaxies. |
Objects | 42 Objects Search NED ↙ |