Title | Extended rotation curves of high-luminosity spiral galaxies. III. The spiral galaxy NGC 7217. |
Authors | Peterson, C. J.; Rubin, V. C.; Ford, W. K., Jr.; Roberts, M. S. |
Bibcode | 1978ApJ...226..770P Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | NOC 7217 is an isolated Sab galaxy with a relatively fiat rotation curve, predominantly circular motions, and high maximum rotational velocity, Vmax = 290 km 1 The total mass out to the final measured velocity is = 1.2 + 0.1 x 1011 (R = 10.5 kpc); we estimate < 3 x 10" if the rotation curve remains flat to the Holmberg radius, R = 26.6 kpc. The ratio of mass to blue luminosity increases from unity at R = 1 kpc to no more than 6 at R = 26.6 kpc. The hydrogen mass, Hi = 1.7 x 10 , is low with respect to both the blue luminosity and the total mass, making the hydrogen properties of NOC 7217 much like those of an SO or Sa galaxy. Broad nuclear emission lines ( 700 km S-' total width for [N ii] A6583) imply a nuclear mass = 10 within R = 100 pc. Subject headings: galaxies: individual - galaxies: internal motions |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |