Title | The kinematics of the lenticular galaxies NGC 1291 and NGC 1326. |
Authors | Mebold, U.; Goss, W. M.; van Woerden, H.; Hawarden, T. G.; Siegman, B. |
Bibcode | 1979A&A....74..100M Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Summary. 21-cm line and optical observations of the two lenticular galaxies, NGC 1291 and NGC 1326, have been carried out using the Parkes 64-m telescope and the U. K. Schmidt telescope at Siding Spring. In both galaxies the direction of the maximum observed H: velocity gradient is non-coincident with the major axis of the bright central part but is parallel to the major axis of the faint outer rings observed optically. Present evidence is consistent with the assumption - but does not prove unambiguously - that the 21-cm lines originate in these faint outer rings and in the arm structures exterior to these. Comparisons of the observed profile width in NGC 1291 with the blue luminosity, or with the mass derived from the stellar velocity dispersion in the bulge, indicate an inclination of only 60 for this galaxy. The bright central parts of NGC 1291 and NGC 1326 are either bar-like triaxial spheroids rotating end-over-end or have angular momentum vectors that are non-coincident with those of the H I distribution. Key words: galaxies - kinematics of galaxies - 21 cm line radiation |
Objects | 4 Objects Search NED ↙ |