Title | Are there really intergalactic hydrogen clouds in the Sculptor group? |
Authors | Haynes, M. P.; Roberts, M. S. |
Bibcode | 1979ApJ...227..767H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | High-sensitivity 21-cm observations of the area occupied by the Sculptor group of galaxies are reported. The observations reveal the presence of at least 30 H I clouds mainly at positive velocities and distributed over only the southern sector of the group. It is found that the spatial and velocity distributions of the clouds in this group and substantially beyond to the south and east do not match those that would be expected if the clouds were bona fide members of the group. The very peculiar orientation of these H I clouds with respect to the principal galaxies in the group is considered. It is proposed that these extragalactic clouds represent a fine-structure component of the Magellanic Stream and are closer to the Galaxy by a factor of 100 than previously suggested. It is concluded that there is no significant population of discrete H I clouds having galactic dimensions and masses of at least 100 million solar masses in the Sculptor or other nearby groups of galaxies. |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |