Title | A detailed examination of the neutral hydrogen distribution in the Leo triplet NGC 3632, 3627, and 3628. |
Authors | Haynes, M. P.; Giovanelli, R.; Roberts, M. S. |
Bibcode | 1979ApJ...229...83H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | High-sensitivity and high-resolution observations of the neutral hydrogen distribution in the Leo triplet of galaxies (NGC 3623, 3627, and 3628) reveal a bridge and tail extending from NGC 3628 and distortion in NGC 3627. The gross characteristics of the hydrogen features can be reproduced by the computer simulation of a tidal encounter of the two galaxies; in detail, however, the observational data somewhat strain the model parameters. In particular, the emission profiles observed along the plume of NGC 3628 show substructure in velocity of less than 17 km/s over scales of 6.4 kpc and an almost constant velocity field more than 50 kpc in length. In contrast, the patchy bridge resembles more the other known hydrogen streams. The mass of gas exterior to the galaxies is significant; the combined hydrogen mass of the appendages of NGC 3628 amounts to almost 20 percent of that observed within the galaxy itself. Tidally produced hydrogen streams of this type could increase the cross section of suitable absorbing material responsible for the narrow absorption lines detected in the spectra of distant sources. |
Objects | 4 Objects Search NED ↙ |