Title | The Hercules supercluster. I. Basic data. |
Authors | Tarenghi, M.; Tifft, W. G.; Chincarini, G.; Rood, H. J.; Thompson, L. A. |
Bibcode | 1979ApJ...234..793T Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | A sample of more than 150 redshifts, the majority new, is presented for galaxies brighter than an apparent photographic magnitude of 15.8 in a 28-square-deg field in Hercules containing the clusters A2151, A2152, and A2147. This sample populates a 60,000 cu Mpc conical volume. It contains a super-cluster centered near a radial velocity of 11,000 km/sec a large void of depth approximately 100 Mpc in front of the supercluster, and foreground structure at 4700 and 2300 km/sec the former associated with Seyfert's sextet. |
Objects | 242 Objects Search NED ↙ |