Title | Late-type galaxies with extended envelopes of neutral hydrogen. |
Authors | Huchtmeier, W. K.; Seiradakis, J. H.; Materne, J. |
Bibcode | 1980A&A....91..341H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Extended H I-envelopes are found in three hydrogen-rich galaxies or systems of galaxies of late type: NGC 3109 and the pairs NGC 4490/4485 and NGC 4618/4625. Their H I-extent at a level of 10 to the 19th atoms/sq cm is between three and eight times the optical D(25) diameter. All three galaxies are comparable in size to Magellanic type galaxies, showing deformation-like warps in their H I distribution. NHC 4490 and NGC 4618 are galaxy pairs in the 4631-group of galaxies while NGC 3109 is an isolated field galaxy. Virial calculation of the NGC 4631 galaxies reveal a significant difference between the virial mass and the sum of the luminous masses of the twelve brightest member galaxies. |
Objects | 6 Objects Search NED ↙ |