Title | The peculiar galaxy IC 1182. |
Authors | Bothun, G. D.; Stauffer, J. R.; Schommer, R. A. |
Bibcode | 1981ApJ...247...42B Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Recent 21-cm observations of the peculiar elliptical galaxy IC 1182 in the Hercules cluster of galaxies reveal the presence of a large quantity of neutral hydrogen. The distance-independent ratio of hydrogen mass to optical luminosity that is derived, approximately equal to 0.7 times the solar ratio, is in fact more appropriate for a fairly late-type (Sc or Scd) spiral. The integrated colors, however, are appropriate for an earlier type galaxy in agreement with the morphological classification. Spectrophotometry of the jet associated with the galaxy resemble normal H II region spectra, which seems inconsistent with a model of violent ejection from the galaxy nucleus. Together with Arp's (1972) plate of the galaxy showing low surface-brightness shreds of nebulosity around IC 1182, these data seem consistent with a collision model involving a gas-rich spiral and an elliptical. Such a collision may have given rise to the observed nuclear emission lines as well. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |