Title | An H II survey of southern galaxies. |
Authors | Reif, K.; Mebold, U.; Goss, W. M.; van Woerden, H.; Siegman, B. |
Bibcode | 1982A&AS...50..451R Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | These 21-cm line observations were made between August 1975 and December 1976 using the 64-m telescope at Parkes (New South Wales, Australia). The half-power beam width was 15 arcmin, and the pointing accuracy of the telescope approximately 30 arcsec. The system temperature was between 90 and 110 K. The spectrometer here was the 1024 channel auto-correlator (Ables et al., 1975). Detections of 196 galaxies were made. The spectra of the detected galaxies and the integrated properties are summarized. |
Objects | 359 Objects Search NED ↙ |