Title | Distances of galaxies from the apparent size distribution of dark clouds. II. |
Authors | Osman, A. M. I.; Ella, M. S.; Issa, I. A. |
Bibcode | 1982AN....303..329O Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The distances of three Sb galaxies, NGC 224, NGC 2841, and NGC 7331, have been determined. For each galaxy a number of dark clouds have been measured on a positive paper print from the Hubble Atlas using a foil and a magnifying lens. The equivalent radius of each area has been obtained and the corresponding annular radius expressed in arc seconds has been calculated using the scale print and the scale of the telescope. The statistical distribution of the angular radii of dark clouds has been plotted from which the galactic distances can be obtained. |
Objects | 3 Objects Search NED ↙ |