Title | High-resolution mapping of the giant H I envelope of the Seyfert galaxy MKN 348. |
Authors | Heckman, T. M.; Sancisi, R.; Sullivan, W. T., III; Balick, B. |
Bibcode | 1982MNRAS.199..425H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | In a survey of H I in Seyfert galaxies Heckman et al. (1978) discovered that the type 2 Seyfert galaxy Mkn 348 had a very large envelope of H I. The present investigation is concerned with an H I map of Mkn 348 which was obtained with the aid of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) at high spatial resolution. Mkn 348 was observed with the WSRT for a total of 24 hr in 1978 August. Three hypotheses for the origin of the H I envelope are considered. According to one it is assumed that the envelope is a primordial remnant of the gas from which Mkn 348 formed. The second hypothesis assumes that the envelope is gas which has been ejected from Mkn 348, while according to the third it is 'tidal debris' from a past encounter between Mkn 348 |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |