Title | Neutral hydrogen in X-ray cluster galaxies : A 1367. |
Authors | Chincarini, G. L.; Giovanelli, R.; Haynes, M.; Fontanelli, P. |
Bibcode | 1983ApJ...267..511C Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Bechtold et al. (1981) in an X-ray survey of the cluster A1367 detected 14 extended X-ray sources and 14 point X-ray sources. The extended sources define a galaxian corona. Chincarini et al. (1981) have observed two galaxies both in the X-ray and in a 21 cm line survey of the region Coma A1367. Of these one is an X-ray source not detected in 21 cm, and the other a 21 cm source not detected n the X-ray. The present investigation is concerned with observations of all the A1367 spiral galaxies which had been detected in the X-ray sample with the 305 m Arecibo dish in the 21 cm line. Of the nine galaxies which have been identified with extended X-ray sources, four are ellipticals, and the rest have a morphological type later or equal to S0. The observations show that high temperature coronal gas may coexist with cold H I gas. When both, hot and cold, states are detected, the neutral hydrogen is underabundant by a large factor (5 to 10). |
Objects | 7 Objects Search NED ↙ |