Title | The Magellanic irregular galaxy DDO 155. |
Authors | de Vaucouleurs, G.; Moss, C. |
Bibcode | 1983ApJ...271..123D Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Reaves (1956) has discovered the magellanic dwarf irregular galaxy DDO 155 = A1256+14 = GR 8. A major question remains the rather uncertain distance. The median value of the distances listed by Hodge (1974) is actually 1.3 Mpc, corresponding to a distance modulus of 25.5 + or - 0.5. The present investigation was conducted to obtain more detailed and more precise information on this object and, if possible, an improved value of its distance modulus. The several estimates of the distance modulus obtained have a median value of 25.2 and a weighted mean equal to 25.30 + or - 0.36. A distance modulus value of 25.25 + or - 0.4 corresponding to a distance 1.12 (1 + or 0.2)Mpc, in good agreement with Hodge's estimates is adopted. |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |