Title | The space density and spectroscopic properties of a new sample of emission-line galaxies. |
Authors | Wasilewski, A. J. |
Bibcode | 1983ApJ...272...68W Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | A moderate-dispersion objective prism survey for low-redshift emission-line galaxies has been carried out in an 825 sq. deg. region of sky. A 4° prism was used with the IIIa-J emulsion to show that a new sample of emission-line galaxies is available even in areas already well searched with the "excess UV-continuum" technique. Redshifts for two-thirds of the new emission-line galaxies have been obtained. About 10% - 15% of the sample are Seyfert galaxies. An additional 20% exhibit the characteristics of starburst galaxies. It is suggested that tidal interaction involving matter infall may play a significant role in the generation of an emission-line spectrum. The space density of the new galaxies has been investigated and found to be similar to the space density of the Markarian galaxies. |
Objects | 96 Objects Search NED ↙ |