Title | The NGC 5128 globular cluster system. |
Authors | Hesser, J. E.; Harris, H. C.; van den Bergh, S.; Harris, G. L. H. |
Bibcode | 1984ApJ...276..491H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The study of the globular cluster system of NGC 5128 in an earlier paper is extented. Spectroscopic observations of two samples of cluster candidates have been obtained with the CTIO 4 m telescope and SIT spectrograph: (1) 13 candidates believed from visual inspection to be nonstellar; and (2) 13 objects selected only by magnitude and color. All told, 20 clusters have now been spectroscopically confirmed. PDS photometry and intensity moment analyses of their images provide information on the color, luminosity, and structural properties of the cluster system, and of selection effects inherent in the data base. The velocity data are used to estimate the mass of NGC 5128, while new star counts made on a UK Schmidt plate centered on NGC 5128 yield information on the total number of clusters. A new distance estimate is made using the cumulative luminosity function of the cluster system. |
Objects | 18 Objects Search NED ↙ |