Title | The NGC 5128 globular cluster system : star counts in U, V, and R. |
Authors | Harris, G. L. H.; Hesser, J. E.; Harris, H. C.; Curry, P. J. |
Bibcode | 1984ApJ...287..175H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Star counts in U, V, and R within about 23 arcmin of the nearby peculiar elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 show 800-900 counted objects in excess of background in the region studied. The cluster system inferred from these data seems to follow an r1/4 law distribution for r greater than or equal to 4 arcmin. Inside this radius it is possible that the clusters are deficient relative to the halo light. Using data from other studies, a cluster-luminosity function over a range of 5 mag has been constructed. It agrees with the Local Group globular-cluster luminosity function over the full range if the distance to NGC 5128 is less than or equal to 4 Mpc. The analysis of the counts suggests total cluster population N t = 1200-1900, specific frequency, S = 3.0-3.2, and distance about 3-4 Mpc. Larger distances are permitted only if the luminosity function is nonstandard; in such a case, then S is much less than 3 or N is much greater than 2000. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |