Title | Gas dynamics in barred spiral galaxies - II. NGC 7496 and 289. |
Authors | Pence, W. D.; Balckman, C. P. |
Bibcode | 1984MNRAS.210..547P Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The gas velocity fields in the barred spiral galaxies NGC 7496 and NGC 289 have been measured using long-slit spectra from the Anglo-Australian telescope. Pronounced deviations from circular motion of the type predicted by recent theoretical models are seen in NGC 7496; the isovelocity contours are distorted into a characteristic S-shaped pattern and there is a large velocity gradient across the bar. The nuclear forbidden O III emission lines are very asymmetric with a wing extending to about 1000 km/s to the blue of the systematic velocity; this wing is only faintly seen in the Balmer lines. NGC 289 has a much smaller bar and consequently the noncircular motions are less pronounced. The kinematic major and minor axes are not perpendicular, which is a signature of oval distortions. Both galaxies have a mass of 80 billion solar masses. Neutral hydrogen contributes about 20 percent of the mass of NGC 289, but only about 2 percent of the mass of the other. |
Objects | 3 Objects Search NED ↙ |