Title | The distance to the LMC from ZAMS fitting to the young cluster NGC 1866. |
Authors | Walker, A. R. |
Bibcode | 1985MNRAS.217P..13W Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | ZAMS fitting of the unevolved main sequence of NGC 1866 gives a distance modulus for the LMC of 18.42±0.2 mag if the cluster has metallicity Z = 0.012. If the Y and Z values are used from the Becker & Mathews model then the distance is 18.52±0.2 mag. These distances are in excellent agreement with that given independently by the RR Lyrae variables in NGC 2210 if it is assumed that the latter have >MV< = 0.6. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |