Title | A 21 CM survey of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. II. The declination zone +21.5 to +27.5 degrees. |
Authors | Giovanelli, R.; Haynes, M. P.; Myers, S. T.; Roth, J. |
Bibcode | 1986AJ.....92..250G Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Neutral-hydrogen 21-cm line spectra and derived parameters are presented for a sample of spiral galaxies in the region bounded by an R.A. greater than 22 h and less then 0.04 h, and a declination greater than +21 deg 30 min and less than +27 deg 30 min, covering the Zwicky fields 470 to 488, as the second installment of a survey of the region of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster. New H I line observations made with the Arecibo 305 m telescope detected 275 galaxies of 318 studied. A tabulation of derived galaxian properties is given. The redshift distribution shows gross departures from that expected for a sample with similar magnitude characteristics but homogeneously located in space. These new data will be incorporated into the overall survey of the three-dimensional structure in the Pisces-Perseus region. |
Objects | 344 Objects Search NED ↙ |