Title | The Structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud |
Authors | Mathewson, D. S.; Ford, V. L.; Visvanathan, N. |
Bibcode | 1986ApJ...301..664M Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | B, V, and near-infrared photometry was done for 161 Cepheids in the SMC to derive their relative distances to an accuracy of ±4%. The Cepheids extend from ≡43 to 75 kpc with a maximum concentration at 59 kpc. The line-of-sight distribution of the younger Cepheids with periods greater than 10 days (for which there is almost a complete sample) splits into two components, each of depth of about 6 kpc and with centers 12 kpc apart. Recent radial velocity mesurements of stars and their interstellar Ca II absorption lines show convincingly that the near and far components should be identified with the low- and high-velocity entities in the SMC H I distribution respectively. The results are in good agreement with the "tidal" model of Murai and Fujimoto, which has the SMC colliding with the LMC 2×108yr ago. |
Objects | 161 Objects Search NED ↙ |