Title | Globular Clusters as Extragalactic Distance Indicators: Maximum-Liklihood Methods |
Authors | Hanes, David A.; Whittaker, Donna G. |
Bibcode | 1987AJ.....94..906H Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The authors have explored the use of maximum-likelihood estimation techniques in the use of globular cluster luminosity functions (LFs) as distance indicators. In particular, they have tested size-of-sample effects through the analysis of Monte Carlo simulations of LFs drawn from an assumed universal population like that characterizing the globular clusters in the Local Group. The authors have also considered the effects of the field objects that will contaminate real cluster LFs in remote galaxies and have tested for biases and the attainable precision in derived distances as a function of limiting magnitude (relative to the turnover in the luminosity function). The findings are that maximum-likelihood methods are very robust. Globular clusters are more far-reaching distance indicators than has previously been realized. The authors apply the maximum-likelihood methods to available data and comment upon the implications of the results and the future promise of the method. |
Objects | 7 Objects Search NED ↙ |