Title | Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies in the Fornax Cluster. II. Their Structure and Stellar Populations |
Authors | Caldwell, Nelson; Bothun, Gregory D. |
Bibcode | 1987AJ.....94.1126C Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Results of a study of 30 of the dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies in the Fornax cluster are presented. The results suggest that more than one episode of star formation probably occurred in some galaxies, resulting in the creation of a metal-enriched halo in addition to a nucleus. The light distributions of dE galaxies with central surface brightnesses of brighter than B = 24 mag/sq arcsec are found to be well represented by exponentials outside of the nucleus. The surface-brightness/luminosity relation for the dEs is used to determine a ratio of Fornax to Virgo distances of 0.8, suggesting no infall of Fornax to Virgo. An actual distance to Fornax of 12 Mpc is obtained. |
Objects | 7 Objects Search NED ↙ |