Title | B2 0800+24: A Narrow-Angle Tail Radio Galaxy in a Small Group of Galaxies |
Authors | Stocke, John T.; Burns, Jack O. |
Bibcode | 1987ApJ...319..671S Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The environments of three asymmetric sources (B2 0800+24, NGC 4410a/b, and B2 1553+24) are studied in detail. Because the morphology of B2 0800+24 most clearly resembles the 'narrow-angle tails' (NATs) found in clusters, this source is used to study the apparent conflict between the head-tail morphology and the low ram pressure present in a small group environment. If the jets in the NATs are ram-pressure confined, then lateral expansion of the jets in poor groups makes them easier to bend (this was observed for B2 0800+24). It is concluded that NAT morphology may be common both in rich clusters and in poor groups. |
Objects | 8 Objects Search NED ↙ |