Title | The Late-Type Stellar Content of NGC 55 |
Authors | Pritchet, Christopher J.; Richer, Harvey B.; Schade, David; Crabtree, Dennis; Yee, H. K. C. |
Bibcode | 1987ApJ...323...79P Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | The authors have completed a photometric survey of the late-type stellar content of the nearby galaxy NGC 55. Using narrow-band filters they have separated C and M stars, and have reached the following conclusions: The distance to NGC 55 is 1.34±0.08 Mpc. The discrepancy between theoretical and observational determinations of the AGB luminosity function is also confirmed in NGC 55. The correlation between C/M number ratio and [Fe/H] is not due to the correlation between metallicity and the temperature of the giant branch alone. The existence of a relation between Nc/LB (the number of carbon stars per unit luminosity) and [Fe/H] is confirmed. |
Objects | 9 Objects Search NED ↙ |