Title | The Stellar Populations of Shapley Constellation III |
Authors | Reid, Neill; Mould, Jeremy; Thompson, Ian |
Bibcode | 1987ApJ...323..433R Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | A V-I color-magnitude diagram is presented for a 0.6-sq deg field encompassing part of the LMC's Shapley III star-formation region. The pronounced luminosity function peak exhibited by the main-sequence stars is identified with the turnoff of the first star-forming burst, and then used as an age indicator with which to compare stellar evolutionary models with the dynamical age estimate determined by Dopita et al. (1985); the initial luminosity and mass functions are derived. The dynamical clock in Shapley III is in better agreement with the stellar evolutionary clock if models without convective overshoot are adopted. |
Objects | 1 Objects Search NED ↙ |