Title | Distribution and kinematics of HI gas in the Virgo cluster galaxies NGC 4318 and VCC 566. |
Authors | van Driel, W.; Fraix-Burnet, D.; Boisson, C.; Bottinelli, L.; Gouguenheim, L. |
Bibcode | 1988A&A...205...47V Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | A region of the Virgo cluster centered on the elliptical galaxy NGC 4318 was mapped in the 21-cm H I line at Westerbork with a resolution of 13" x 95", and with the 4' x 22' beam of the Nancay radiotelescope, following a dubious detection of H I emission at Arecibo (Lake and Schommer, 1984) at a radial velocity 150 km s^-1^ higher than its optical velocity. We found no H I associated with NGC 4318, which appears to be a small gas-poor (M_H I_/L_B_ < 0.01 M_sun_/L_sun_) elliptical. The Arecibo "detection" was apparently caused by a sidelobe of the telescope which picked up H I emission of the nearby gas-rich dwarf galaxy VCC 566. All H I detected at Westerbork is concentrated in VCC 566 and no sign of interaction is apparent between the elliptical and the dwarf galaxy. |
Objects | 2 Objects Search NED ↙ |