Title | Neutral hydrogen observations of the irregular galaxy IC 10. |
Authors | Shostak, G. S.; Skillman, E. D. |
Bibcode | 1989A&A...214...33S Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | New interferometric observations of IC 10 have confirmed that the central, disklike H I is rotating oppositely to the outer hydrogen envelope discovered by Cohen (1979) and Huchmeier (1979). Furthermore, several small-scale features are seen which have velocity gradients randomly oriented with respect to the central disk, and which may be the innermost components of H I envelope. Morphological and kinematic evidence suggest that some of these low column-density structures are interacting with the disk of IC 10 It might be that we are seeing in IC 10 the collision between a normal irregular galaxy and an intergalactic cloud. However, given the similarity of IC 10 to other irregulars with H I envelopes, seems more probable that the H I envelope is primordial gas which is still in a collapse phase. |
Objects | 13 Objects Search NED ↙ |