Abstract | High-resolution, ~20", VLA neutral hydrogen observations of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300 are presented. Strong spiral structure is seen in the H I gas distribution. These neutral hydrogen arms correspond very well with the optical arms and with H II regions. The central region of the galaxy is gas-poor. This region is approximately the region occupied by the bar, suggesting a dynamical origin for the lack of gas. Analysis of the velocity field yielded a systemic velocity of 1575.0 km s^-1^, a position angle for the line of nodes of -85.5^deg^, and an inclination of 50.2^deg^. The rotation curve derived from this velocity field rises to a maximum of 185 km s^-1^ and then drops slowly out to a distance of 3.2'. No evidence is seen for a truncation signature in the rotation curve. Simple mass models yielded a mass of 4.9 x 10^10^ M_sun_ for the total galaxy mass. The mass of neutral hydrogen observed at the VLA was 2.54 x 10^9^ M_sun_. |