Title | Searching at 21-cm for IRAS galaxies behind the Milky Way. |
Authors | Martin, J. M.; Bottinelli, L.; Dennefeld, M.; Fouque, P.; Gouguenheim, L.; Paturel, G. |
Bibcode | 1990A&A...235...41M Search ADS ↗ |
Abstract | Based on far-infrared colours and fluxes, we selected 36 IRAS point sources, with galactic latitude |b| < 20^deg^ for study at 21-cm H I, with the Nancay 300-m telescope, as potential galaxies. Seven of them are shown to be galaxies with radial velocities less than 5000 km s^-1^. They appear to be normal galaxies, at rather large distances, with H I line profiles, H I masses. H I mass to luminosity ratios and line widths typical of Sb-Sc galaxies, except for one or possibly two irregulars. The extension of the criteria to larger FIR fluxes did not lead to the detection of nearby galaxies. |
Objects | 81 Objects Search NED ↙ |